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We are a voluntary, non-political, not for profit and social organization working towards sustainable development, environment, adult literacy, child rights, prevention of child abuse, crime against women, youth employment, training and development and good governance.

Our Areas of Work

Women Empowerment

Udisha has adopted multi pronged approach for women empowerment. We have organized skill development programs for women, awareness campaigns, rallies, seminars and conferences have been organized, on burning topics related to women: like domestic violence, acid attack, sexual abuse and cyber crime.

Sustainable Development

Udisha Paryavaran Project is an Environment Protection and Energy Conservation Program. The focus of the Project is on inclusion Environmental Education in Secondary Schools.
We have participated in National Environment Awareness Campaign (NEAC) organized of Ministry of Forest & Climate Change.


Udisha Literacy Program has been specially designed for school drop outs from the downtrodden sections of the society. Young people are given training  in Computer Programming, Tally- Accounting Software, etc., so that they are employment ready and continue their formal education through open schooling format.

Social Development

Udisha has been participating at various UN forums with respect to Social Development in terms of presentation, seminar and contributing articles with respect  to "Promotion and Protection of all human rights, civil, economic, political, social and cultural rights, including the right to development."

Child Rights

Children are the future of any nation. Udisha has taken many initiatives for all round development of children. We have organised many events for child safety, protection of child rights and prevention of child abuse. Also have been working to sensitize them and help them with self defense.

Legal Aid

Udisha over the years have been conducting and participating at various legal forums with respect to safety, security and rights of women, youth and children. Seminars, presentations and various activities during International Labour Day and similar events with Government bodies and Legal forums are conducted.


States Covered



Projects and Programmes


Lives Improved



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